When you create a check run, you may get one or more errors. When you get an error on a check run, the check(s) that contained the error(s) are not issued, and the check number(s) will not be used.
Errors that cause this issue are as follows:
- Issuing a check for $0.00.
- Using an incorrect $ amount form (1.0 instead of 1.00).
- Memo lines over 50 characters, including spaces.
- Payee emails that do not follow standard formatting.
E.g. name@example.com - Adding more than one payee email.
What can I do?
You can re-create the check, and feel free to use the checks numbers that are missing from your check run. E.g.; If your check failed would have been VV12008, you may set that check number while writing the check.
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