The file you upload to Deluxe Payments Exchange (DPX) needs to be saved as a .CSV (comma separated values) spreadsheet. Download our template at the bottom of this page as a guideline.
Your accounting program may have an easy way to report or export your checks to a .CSV file. If you’re using QuickBooks™, the process is seamless with the add-ons. See FAQs for QuickBooks™ Desktop and QuickBooks™ Online.
- The maximum number of checks that can be included in a single file is 50,000.
- This may be any combination of eChecks and Print+Mail checks, but the total number of checks may not exceed 50,000.
- If there are multiple remittance rows in the file for the same check, that check is only counted once against the allowed maximum.
That spreadsheet needs to include headings that will be mapped to the Deluxe Payment Exchange platform. At the minimum, the spreadsheet needs to include:
- Payee name
- Check amount
- Delivery address (at least one of the following – include both if you want some checks to be delivered via email and some to be Print+Mail. See the formatting help below.)
- Payee email address
- Payee physical address (street address, city, state, zip)
You may also want to include:
- Print+Mail can include up to 3 pages of remittance (120 lines) sent with the check.
- See below for guidance on attaching multiple remittance lines
More details and examples are below to help you get started. However, many people find that a little support from one of our friendly agents will smooth the way the first time they do a check import.
- A check memo
- Up to 8 unique fields that allow you to customize your remittance data.
Example for Email Only Delivery:
How to format your file for Print+Mail and Email Delivery:
Adding multiple lines of remittance:
You will add a line to the file for EACH line of remittance in a single check. The fields defining the check (payee, address(es), check number, check amount, memo, delivery method override) will be the same on each line. But any remittance fields should reflect the remittance to be included with the check. Note: Only the check number and the email address are required for all lines.
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