Many of our customers add members to lockboxes to allow accounting departments a single-source for incoming DPX digital payments and documents. Some small businesses add their accountants as members to allow them to manage payments. Whatever your need, this process is quick and easy.
Let's start by making sure you're logged in.
- In the top menu, select Receive Checks and the lockbox to which you want to add the member.
- In the Left navigation menu under Settings click on Members
- Select the blue Add Member button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
- Enter the Email for the new member.
- If the user is new to DPX it may ask you to enter their first and last name as well.
- Select the permissions you desire.
- Click on Add Lockbox Member.
- If this email is new to the Deluxe Payment Exchange you will also be asked to add their Name.
- If you had to add the name, click on Add Lockbox Member again.
That's it! Your member should receive a confirmation email in just a few moments. Once they've clicked the activation link in the email, they'll be able to see and process any incoming payments - based on the permissions you selected.
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