As long as your payee has an email address and takes checks, DPX eChecks are a perfect payment solution.
The email below is designed to send to your payees the first time (or any time) you want to send them an eCheck.
Just copy and paste the text below into an email and customize it for your needs!
Dear <<insert the vendor’s name here>>,
In an effort to pay our vendors more quickly and securely, we’ve begun using Deluxe Payment Exchange eChecks, and will be sending you your first eCheck shortly. Simply a digital version of a paper check, an eCheck’s only difference is that you retrieve it via your email.
- You will receive an email notification each time we send you a payment
- Click on the link in the email and download the eCheck PDF
- Print the check using any printer
- Endorse and deposit as you would any paper check
To learn more about the benefits of eChecks, click or paste this link:
Please contact us if you would like payment to go to an email address other than <<insert your vendor’s email here>>.
If you have any questions about how this works, call DPX eChecks support at 877.333.6964 or email them at .
<<insert your name>>
<<insert your company name>>
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