There a couple of reasons why your funds may not available. Please make sure you've waited long enough for the funds to be available in your account because it's possible that they are still on their way.
Did you wait long enough?
With Instant Funds* powered by Hyperwallet:
- In most instances, funds are available in minutes and can sometimes take up to 30 minutes.
- In rare cases, it could take up to 2 days.
With Direct Deposit* powered by Hyperwallet:
- In most instances, funds are available the next business day
- In some cases, it could take up to 3 days.
With Deposit to PayPal* powered by Hyperwallet:
- In most instances, funds are available in minutes and can sometimes take up to 30 minutes.
Did something actually go wrong?
If you have an immediate failure, you will see a message alerting you of that failure and you will be allowed to print that eCheck for deposit. Less frequently, there are sometimes delayed failures. If it has been longer than the expected time period listed above and the funds are still not available in your bank account, please contact support or at so that we can assist.
*Majority of Instant Funds transactions will be funded within 30 minutes, but it could take up to 24 hours. The funds availability timing for the initial transaction will generally be indicative of future transactions for the account you set up. Direct Deposit transactions will be funded in 1-3 days. Deposit to PayPal transactions will be funded within 30 minutes. A small fee will be charged to the eCheck recipient for each deposit. Check clearing provided by our partner bank.
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