If you receive an error while using our add-on that looks like the below image, we have some solutions for you!
- The most common issue that will cause this error is a memo line that is too long. The memo line on the eCheck can include up to 49 characters. Spaces also count as Characters. If you get this error, the first thing you should do is edit your memo lines on the checks in your QuickBooks™ and make sure they are short enough.
Other not so common causes include:
- You have 0 remaining checks, and need to order more eChecks.
- A typo in the email address. E.g. leaving out the “.” Or “@” or including <> or { }.
- Trying to issue a check for $0.00.
- The signature field is blank.
- Exceeded dollar amount set by the owner of eCheck account.
- Not an authorized member to create/issue checks (Talk to the owner of the eCheck account)
- Your account is not yet activated.
- There are multiple email addresses in email field of the vendor profile.
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