If you’re printing from an Apple device.
Different devices handle files in different ways, and while the printing from an Apple device isn’t much different from any other device there are some tips and tricks that can help ensure your check prints correctly.
Confirm Your Print Settings
For Apple devices, before you send the PDF of the check to your printer, select Show Details to view your print settings. What you’re looking for on this page is an option that says scale to fit or fit to page. Selecting this option will ensure that nothing is left off when your device sends the check to the printer.
After Printing
Once your check has printed, ensure that it printed correctly. The printing on the front should be crisp and legible, with nothing skewed, cut off, or missing. If everything looks good, cut along the dotted line and then present it to your bank like you would any other check. The back of the page is intentionally blank, but you will still want to endorse the back side of your check just like you normally would.
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